Johannes Brahm's 120th anniversary is this year.
Theater director Andreas Manfred Gebhard, violinist Katrin Ambrosius and the pianist Andreas Kirpal present a special intermedial music event. It will be a special selection of the best violin and piano pieces of Johannes Brahms.
The life story of Johannes Brahms will be told in short documentary videos. Amongst other things, historical and current videos related to his life, music pieces, people and places will be shown. Interviews with musical experts and videos for a better musical understanding will be displayed. A narrative voice will accompany you through the entire musical event. No musical knowledge is needed. Hence this event is suitable for everybody.
This event is about the best written music pieces for violin and piano of the composer Brahms. It consists out of G major, Scherzo from the FAE sonata and the D minor sonata. This "classical" music and video event will be enhanced by light effects, shown pictures and art pieces. The way the event will be held, will give the audience an insight view into Johannes Brahm's life and achievements, which nobody ever had done before. The event is going to create a better understanding and is showing a quick overview of Brahm's work.
¹Titel is a quote from Brahm's letter to Clara Schumann (September 1868).
G major sonata - Scherzo FAE - Break - d minor sonata